Monday, March 21, 2011

Why do people actually believe that socialism/communism doesnt work

Why do people actually believe that socialism/communism doesnt work?
Are people just ignorant to the fact that communism and socialism do work. Look at Russia which is emerging economically speaking and go to China a see the progress going on. Look at Sweden which is a rich socialist country and venezuela which has one of the highes per capita in latin america. OPEN YOUR EYES!!! Communism doesnt work when there is corruption, so dont get me wrong, just like cuba.
Politics - 22 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because it DON'T!!! I like to live in a country where I can't make up my own mind, even if it is the wrong choice sometimes. But I don't need to think that the gov't can bail me out of every wroing choice that I make. I would rather not the gov't control every aspect of my life.
2 :
America was not based on communism and socialism.
3 :
China can say they are Communist all they want, but when you look at the economic structure it is free-market. Russia is not communist, sorry.
4 :
I want you to a google search on the Soviet Union. Plus for your information China's boom has been to a quasi capitalist system not state run factories.
5 :
You better check with your statistics on some of these countries. Russia is doing horribly economically, and people are never content under a dictatorship.The only country you mention that works is Sweden but they aren't a socialists country. You better open your eyes to the injustices of communism.
6 :
Experience. Look at the poverty and shortages that all of the above mentioned have endured. The only reason their governments still exist is the facist style lack of freedoms of their people.
7 :
Because it doesn't. It flies in the face of human nature. People just aren't altruistic. We work in order to get ahead, not provide for our neighbors. The line in the former Soviet Unin said it all, "They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.".
8 :
communism may work but how happy can the citizens of china really be i mean most of them work for little pay and in sweat shops making cheap products for places all over the world if america ever became like that I'd seriously kill myself and Russia hasn't been communist in a long time
9 :
Russia is no longer communist or socialist. China has been becoming more captitalistic for 20 years. Sweden is a example of a good, functioning socialist country. And the women are hot.
10 :
Ok look if your dumb enough to ask this question ur in high school go ask a history teacher ull get a nice big lecture on it and i thought the same way but they explained it to me
11 :
OPEN YOUR EYES....It NEVER...NEVER...NEVER has worked....people must be FORCED to work to quotas....In MOST cases it is controlled by a dictator or ruling group.....people are walled in it works so well and shot trying to get out.....I dont know where you DREAMED your info up....but ask anyone that has lived under these systems.....they LAUGH at anyone wanting to try it as being STUPID
12 :
People don't believe socialism and communism (which, by the way, are different subject matter. One is economics, the other is politics) because democratic systems have had serious issues in the past with countries that did have such systems and that line of thought carries over. Further, while the system is nice in theory, it almost always screws up eventually due to inherent flaw in the system: humans. We just can't be trusted with power most of the time. People are not necessarily ignorant of the socialist and communist system's virtues, it's just that at the moment, in a practical sense, it's considered the greater of two evils (I'm not saying capitalism and democracy are perfect systems by any measure). Truth be told, I find a blending of the two systems frequently a good idea. Canada, among other countries, does this admirably. However, screaming at people to open their eyes to what is a subjective view is generally not going to win you many opinions. I would suggest you consider all options and that your own opinion may not be entirely true (I know mine certain could be flawed).
13 :
You have bought into the propaganda that those nations out out. The facts remain that no one prospers under socialism or communism except a select few elitist totalitarian rulers.
14 :
Russia was once part of the Soviet Union, which broke up about 17 years ago. Russia's economy is on the rise due to being able to be capitalistic. China is slowly, but not fully, decreasing the communist strangle hold on its economy. IT still violates the human rights of many of its citizens. I wouldn't use those 2 as shining examples of communism. And Venezuela? Please, Chavez has many enemies and does the best he can to shut them up. For the most part, throughout history, it has shown itself to be a failure. Ask Yugoslavia. Ask Eastern Europe. And that's just off the top of my head.
15 :
-China is NOT a good example of communism. People who differ from the norm due to racial, cultural (there are dozens of different ethnic groups in China), spiritual and political reasons are often deemed "subversive." Their criminal system is completely corrupt, and people are executed usually within the first few days of being found guilty of a capital offense, no appeals, nothing. The only reason their economy is doing well is that they allowed for businesses to privatize starting earlier in this decade. -Russia? The Soviet Union collapsed because people were unhappy with their system. Their military industrial complex voided the national coffers, and people wanted self-determination. Now, Russia's political, judicial, and legal systems are EXTREMELY corrupt. The average Russian hasn't benefieted hugely from the economic boom there. Russia is no longer communist anyways, so your point here is moot. -Sweden is awesome. Sweden is a great example of how socialization CAN work.
16 :
It would work in theory, but in reality, people would become disgruntled from working so hard and only being as good as the guy who barely does any work at all. People like the idea of money, and the power it gives them over other people. Because of this, communism cannot be successful in the eyes of many people.
17 :
Russia has adopted a free market economy after the fall of the Soviet Union. China has evolved into a Capitalistic/Totalitarian society, when the took control of Hong Kong back from the Brits they adopted their standards of Capitalism. Sweden has 9 million people and a per capita GDP that ranks 16th in the world and a GDP that ranks 30th. We have 300m people 30 times than them and still we have a higher per person GDP a per capita GDP that ranks 4th and top ranking gross GDP. You have no concept of that which you speak. "You socialists only have one rebuttal to the argument that socialism has been tried and failed miserably; it's the same one an abused wife might hear from the drunken monster that blackened her eye: 'It'll be different this time, I swear!' "
18 :
Well, the problem comes in when people speak socialism and communism and get fascism. You say it works but you don't live there, do ya? Making a mistake on your job in China you can be jailed or even executed. True socialism or communism are not bad things and actually the very best form of government for all the people. But there has never been a true form of either. Your example as to Sweden is correct except that Sweden is a democratic-socialist State. And it has had it's share of major problems, including high inflation, high unemployment, and high interest rates during the early 90's. The government of Sweden still wields much power over the people. Btw, the entire EU is a socialist experiment and has yet to be proved as good.
19 :
The best REAL example is indeed in the old Soviet Union. Whenever, which was quite often, there was a food shortage, the state would "lease" land to individual farmers and the farmers would reap the benefits of their labor by freely selling their goods in the public markets. This small percentage of satellite farms would produce a large percentage of the state's total agricultural output. If this policy sounds a bit like a free enterprise system, it's simply because it was. None of the countries that you site in your question is a true socialist nation. Sounds good on paper - true economic equality - and then we add the human factor and initiate the system, and it falls flat on its face - every time.
20 :
Absolutely BEWILDERING! You've made this stuff up to dupe little kids. * Soviet Union - Communist - Collapsed from economic bankruptcy in the 1980' no longer bases it's economy on communist principles...neither does China or even Vietnam. * Cuba - economic negative GDP for years * Venezuela - only recently communist; now in negative GDP growth and declining rapidly. * Sweden - economically flat. There is not now or ever has been an economic model of success of communism. Socialism doesn't have one either. Please get some facts, or at least do a little research.
21 :
Maybe socialism is one of those things that looks good on paper but can't be practically applied.
22 :
Sweden is not socialist it is a social welfare state as is most of Europe. You have fallen for the right wing lies that income redistribution is the same as socialism, but it is not. Socialism is when the government own the means of production and makes the decisions about what is produced. This requires central planing which is as efficient as the US military, so the economy is not prosperous. China economy only stated to grow when started to privatized part of the economy, the USSR had an economic collapse and the new Russia is no longer Communist, Cuba is dirt poor, and Venezuela is an Oil Rich state with a lot of poor people and inequality. There is always corruption and greed, so an economic system that relies on the goodness of people is doomed to fail.