Friday, September 7, 2012

Why do liberals have such a positive view of socialism

Why do liberals have such a positive view of socialism? Didn't work in Russia. East Germany and all of the russian puppet states, North Korea, etc. So why do you have such a positive view of it?
Politics - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Easy answer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,misery loves company. Socialism is easy, you can get a easy job, and still live as good as the brain surgeon. Socialism rewards failure. See the favorite liberal quote is "Socialism is Fair" and they are right,,,, socialism distributes poverty equally. I say capitalism is fair, it rewards those that work, and punishes those that do not.
2 :
Stockholm Syndrome after years of indoctrination from our lousy hollywood and crappy schools.
3 :
Because socialism isn't a government, it's an economic system employed by a government. Those countries were fascist whereas the libs you're referring to prefer Democratic Socialism like the systems set-up in Sweden and such.
4 :
Because socialism is about equality, and Republicans are about making the rich richer.
5 :
They don't. But the majority of Americans voted for Obama not because of Obama, but because of the horrific alternative. Its fine to disagree with Obama, but if the Republicans want to win they have to come up with alternative ideas and candidates. Instead they put their neagtive-ignorant face on show at tea party rallies and shout "you lie" at our head of state. All that negativity is just political masturbation; sure its fun, but its not going to get a Republican in the white house.
6 :
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Either way, voting Republican or Democrat is a vote to bankrupt yourself. Yet millions of Americans, are still voting to bankrupt themselves even though the cost to pay off the public debt (federal, state, county, municipal and schools) now comes to over $50,000 per citizen. That means that someone who has kids needs to pony up for their kids also. It's time for Americans to abandon the two party farce that has abandoned Americans through bankruptcy. Liberals = Green Party Moderates = Libertarian Party Conservatives = Constitution Party Source(s):
7 :
we have a positive view of a mixed economy -- much like the rest of the world -- you guys over use it and propagandize it so much that the word is worthless
8 :
Liberals gain power when you give up your rights
9 :
10 :
1) That wasn't socialism. That was Communism. 2) West Germany taking over East Germany during Unification and producing the strongest economy in Europe, That is Socialism. 3) After watching free market capitalism almost destroy the world economy, why do conservatives have such a positive view of capitalism?
11 :
They can't compete in a capitalistic society because they're too stupid. Therefore, they're jealous and want what you have.
12 :
Socialism involves "increasing the role of government through legislation" (Barney Frank) and remaking the economy into a "redistributive" system to "level the playing field" (Obama)... and provides the framework to make it happen. Just don't call them "socialists" or "bolsheviks" when they prefer to be called "Progressive"... it will alarm the sheeple.
13 :
We're smart enough to realize that the US has been a blend of democracy and socialistic policies and trends almost since our inception. As are the vast majority of successful countries world wide.
14 :
why do conservatives play dumb and pretend like they don't know the difference between communims and socialism... when you ask them a real question about it, they plainly do know the difference... guess it's easier to play dumb? can you not make a legitimate point using the actual facts?
15 :
The day liberals begin to suggest nationalising industries will be the day conservatives aren't purposely confusing the issue by calling liberals "socialists". Saying liberals are Nazis because the Nazi party was called the national socialist party is only taking it a step further in insanity when you consider that every history textbook printed since WW2 explicitly says nazis were right wing fascists. It's just name calling when you want fascism and socialism to be the same thing. Especially when this was what divided Europe for several decades and cost hundreds of millions of lives. Maybe all the fascists and socialists who died in bloody wars fighting each other were actually on the same side and didn't realise it? Considering Russia killed 8 out of every 10 nazis in WW2 it might serve as an interesting lesson on what the war was really about! Shock jocks like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck have convinced people that you can just make baseless personal attacks on your political opponents with little empathy and don't need any credibility at all because it's fine to just hate them. This is ironically what made fascism so appealing! People were losing faith in capitalism and wanted an alternative to socialism, so they embraced fascism. Fascism told the people that the Jews were the reason capitalism was failing and people all agreed they didn't even deserve a kind word.
16 :
Because the democratic variety of socialism works remarkably well in, say, Sweden or Canada, not to mention Brandt's Germany, or Mitterrand's France, where actual socialists wielded power. Before you start bitchin' 'bout Canada, you won't hear a single Canadian complain about socialism. Emgirating to the US from Canada and the other way around is easy: Why aren't Canadians flocking to the US?